Research Publications
List of Publications
Research Department of Botany (2016-23)
Patent: Application No.202341078437 A
Name of the inventors:
- C. M. Sreejit, Department of Botany, SNM College, Maliakara, Kerala, India.
- Jaiby Cyriac, Research Scholar, Research Dept. of Botany S N M College Maliankara*
Assistant professor, Newman College Thodupuzha, Kerala India.
Patent Journal Publication Date: 29/12/2023, Patent status: filed for examination
- Divya P V., Roshni T Ramanan and Sanilkumar M.G., 2024. Phytoplankton dynamics in estuarine waters of central Kerala, Southwest India. Ecological Frontiers, (Elsevier) 44: 733-740.
- Gigi K. Joseph, M. G. Sanilkumar, and Vishal Koshy., 2024. Mangroves of Kadamakudy and Vypeen Islands: Guardians of Soil, Shrimp, Birds, and Livelihoods. In V. Padmakumar, M. Shanthakumar (eds.), Mangroves in a Changing World: Adaptation and Resilience, Wetlands: Ecology, Conservation and Management 13, P 145-155. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Divya P V., Roshni T Ramanan and Sanilkumar M.G., 2024. Phytoplankton dynamics in estuarine waters of central Kerala, Southwest India. Ecological Frontiers, (Elsevier; In Press)
- Ratheesh Narayanan, C.N. Sunil., Shaju, T., Sanilkumar, MG., Rijuraj, M.P. & Simi, M.S. 2023. Fimbristylis jaleeliana, a new species of Cyperaceae from Kerala, India. Phytotaxa, 626: 3;
- Jabeena, M.K., Nithya M.V., Prabhukumar, K.M., Athira, S., Hareesh, V.S. & Maya C.N. 2022. A novel taxon of the genus Ischaemum (Poaceae: Androponogoneae: Ischaeminae)from southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Phytotaxa 556 (2): 178-184. DOI:
- Divya P V and Sanilkumar M.G., 2021. Phytoplankton diversity and its environmental drivers in a backwater inlet of central Kerala, southwest India, J. Inland Water Biology (Springer),14: 691–698.
- Sanilkumar, M.G., Nithya, M.V., Divya, P.V. and Baiju, E.C. 2021. Fimbristylis sunilii (Cyperaceae): A new species from Southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Phytotaxa, 527 (1): 083–088,
- Sunil, C.N., Salima, P.M., Ratheesh Narayanan, Nithya, V.M., Sanilkumar, M.G. and Anilkumar, N. 2021. Neanotis prabhuii, a new species of Rubiaceae from Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa, 527 (3): 234–238
- Sunil, C.N., Prasad V.P. & Naveen Kumar, V.V. 2020.Bulbostylis maritima – A new species of Cyperaceae from coastal Kerala, India, Phytotaxa, DOI:
- Naveen Kumar, V.V., Prabhukumar,K,M., Sunil, C.N., Bhavadas, N., Sreejith, C.M. & Indira B. 2020. Hedyotis shoolamudianus (Rubiaceae), a new species from Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa,DOI:
- Jaiby, C., Krishnakumar, M., Bejoy, T., Sreejit, M. & Varghese T. 2020. Synthesis of biogenic ZnO nanoparticles and its impact on seed germination and root growth of Oryza sativa L. and Vigna unguiculata L. Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier) 20:224-229.
- Prabhukumar,K,M., Sunil, C.N., Sreejith, C.M., Naveen Kumar, V.V. & Indira B. 2020. Gentiana sasidharanii (Gentianaceae), a new species from Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa DOI:
- Prabhukumar, K.M., Aiswarya, P., Jagadeesan, R., Naveen Kumar, V.V., Sunil, C.N. & Hareesh, V.S. 2019. Hedyotis indirae (Rubiaceae), a new species from Western Ghats, India. Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography. (Taylor & Francis). DOI:
- Krishna Geethu, M.G. & Sanilkumar, M.G. 2019. Indigenous knowledge of coastline sacred groves in Central Kerala, India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (CSIR-NISCAIR), 18:541-546.
- Naveen Kumar, V.V., Prasad V.P. & Sunil, C.N. 2018. Fimbristylis griffithii (Cyperacear), a new record for peninsular India. Rheedea. 28:118-120.
- Jyothy, K.J. &Sunil, C.N. 2018. GC-MS analysis and nutrient evaluation of rare, endemic and threatened species- Aponogeton appendiculatus v. Bruggen of South India. Indian Journal of Scientific Research.20: 07-11.
- Jyothy, K. J. & Sunil, C.N. 2018. Floral Phenology and Breeding System of Aponogeton appendiculatusV. Bruggen (Aponogetonaceae). The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology 10:161-165.
- Simi, M.S. & Sunil, C.N. 2018. Chemical profiling of endemic plant Osbeckia wynaadensis Clarke. By gas chromatography –mass spectrometric method. Indian Journal of Scientific Research. 19: 90-94.
- Simi, M.S. & Sunil, C.N. 2018. Pollination biology of Osbeckia wynaadensis C. B. Clarke (Melastomataceae)- an endemic plant in Southern Western Ghats. The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology 10(2) July, 2018, pp.166-171.
- Naveen Kumar, V.V., Prabhukumar, K.M., Jagadeesan, R., Harinarayanan, C.M., Maya, C.N., Janarthanam, M.K. & Indira, B. 2018. Utricularia sunilii (Lentibulariaceae), a striking new species from southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Phytotaxa371 (2):140-144.
- Sunil, C.N., Prabhukumar,K,M., Naveen Kumar, V.V., Thomas, V.P., Jagadeesan, R. & Indira B. 2018. Eriocaulon tuberiferum (Eriocaulaceae), a new record for South India. Nelumbo (BSI) 60: 18-22.
- Prabhukumar, K.M., Sunil, C.N., Naveen Kumar, V.V., Chhabra, T., Mohanraj, N. & Indira, B. 2018. On the identity and distribution of Vasconcellea pubescens (CaricaceaeI in Asia. Nelumbo (BSI) 60: 115-122.
- Prabhukumar, K.M., Jagadeesan, R., Aiswary, P., Sunil, C.N., Thomas, V.P., Prasad, P. &Indira, B. 2018. On the identity and rediscovery of Hedyotis beddomei Hook. f. (Rubiaceae): a lesser known endemic species of Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa,DOI:
- Prabhukumar, K.M., Sunil, C.N., Naveen Kumar, V.V., Bhavadas, N., Chhabra, T. & Indira, B. 2018. Eleusine multiflora (poaceae: Chloridoideae) a new record for India 2017. Nelumbo (BSI)59: 25-28.
- Asha, A., Farsana, S. & Baiju, E.C. 2018. Phytochemical profiling and antibacterial activity of selected Sida species against common human pathogenic bacteria: An in vitro study. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7 (3):1201-1205.
- Baiju, E.C., Sneha, J., Athira, T. & Asha, A. 2018. In Vitro Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Two Ophiorrhiza species. International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry 7 (1): 33-38.
- Prabhukumar, K. M., Chhabra, T., Robi, A.J., Jagadeesan, R., Sunil, C.N. & Indira, B. 2017. Rediscovery of Arisaema translucens (Araceae) and notes on A. tuberculatum, two strict endemics of Nilgiris, India. Phytotaxa, 306:85-90. DOI:
- Akshath Shenoy., Prince, T.R., Divya, P.V &Sanilkumar, M.G. 2017. Microalgae in Edamalayar reservoir of Central Kerala: A preliminary study. Seaweed Research Utilization association.39: 35-38.
- Sunil, C.N., Ratheesh Narayanan, M.K., Naveen Kumar, V.V., Nandakumar, M.K. & Balakrishnan, V. 2017. Eriocaulon govindiana sp. nov. (Eriocaulaceae), from Southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Taiwania 62 (4): 387-391.
- Sunil, C.N., Nithya Madhanan, V., Remya Krishnan, C.R., Naveen Kumar, V.V., Simi, M.S. & Jyothi, K.J. 2017. A new species of Ischaemum L. (Poaceae) from Kerala, India. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 24 (1): 33-38.
- Ratheesh Narayanan, M.K., Sunil, C.N., Sivadasan, M., Nandakumar, M.K., Naveen Kumar, V.V., Alfarhan, A.H. & Sameh, M.H. 2017. Sonerila janakiana sp.nov., a stoloniferous species of Melastomataceae from India. Nordic Journal of Botany. (Wiley Online Library)
- Sunil, C.N., Prabhukumar, K.M., Naveen Kumar, V.V., Thomas, V.P., Jose, J. & Indira, B. 2017. Isachne manilaliana (Poaceae), a new species from Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography. (Taylor & Francis) DOI:
- Sunil, C.N., Ratheesh Narayanan, M.K., Sivadasan, M., Shaju, T., Naveen Kumar, V.V. & Alfarhan, A. H. 2017. A new species of Chrysopogon (Poaceae:Andropogoneae) from India. Phytotaxa307 (4): 245-253.
- Naveenkumar,V.V., Sunil,C.N., Remyakrishnan,C.R., Sanilkumar, M.G. & Baiju, E.C. 2017. A new species of Eriocaulon (Eriocaulaceae) from Southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography, (Taylor & Francis)
- Sunil, C.N., Prabhukumar, K. M., Naveenkumar, V. V., Thomas V. P., Jose, J. & Indira, B.2017. Isachne manilaliana (Poaceae), A new species from Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography (
- Sunil, C.N., Ratheesh Narayanan, M. K., Sivadasan, M., Naveenkumar, V. V., Alfarhan, A. H., Abdul Jaleel, V. & Samesh, M. H. 2017. A new species of Fimbristylis (Cyperaceae) from India. Botany Letters 146 (1): 19-22.
- Sunil, C.N., Prabhukumar, K. M., Naveen Kumar, V. V., Bhavadas,N., Chhabra,T. & Indira, B. 2017. Eleusine multiflora (Poaceae: Chloridoideae), A new record for India. Nelumbo 59 (1): 25-28
- Sunil, C.N., Prabhukumar, K. M., Chhabra,T., Robi, A.J., Jagadeesan,R. & Indira, B. 2017. Rediscovery of Arisaema translucens(Araceae) and notes on A. tuberculatum, two strict endemics of Nilgiris, India. Phytotaxa 306 (1): 85-90
- Sunil, C.N., Nithya Madhanan, V., Remya Krishnan, C. R., Naveen Kumar, V. V., Simi, M. S. & Jyothi, K. J. 2017. A new species of Ischaemum L. (Poaceae) from Kerala, India. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 24 (1): 33-38.
- Sunil, C.N., Prabhukumar, K. M., Naveen Kumar, V. V., Thomas, V. P., Jose, J &Indira, B. 2017. Arundinella muthikulamensis (Poaceae), a new species from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 72 (1).
- Sunil, C.N., Ratheesh Narayanan, M.K., Sivadasan, M., Shaju, T., Naveen Kumar, V.V. & Alfarhan, A. H. 2017. A new species of Chrysopogon (Poaceae: Andropogoneae) from India. Phytotaxa 307 (4): 245-253.
- Sunil, C.N., Naveen Kumar, V.V., Rajeev, T. S., Ratheesh Narayanan, M. K.& Prasad, V. P. 2017. Kleinia subrahmanianii (Asteraceae: Senecioneae), a new species from Southern Western Ghat, Kerala, India. Telopea 20: 119-123.
- Sunil, C.N., &Naveen Kumar, V.V.2016. Hemigraphis hirta (Vahl) T. Anders (Acanthaceae): A new Record for Kerala. Zoo’s Print 31 (5): 6- 7.
- Sunil, C.N., Prabhukumar,K. M., Naveen Kumar, V.V., Thomas, V.P., Bhavadas, N. & Indira B. 2016. Phyllanthus balakrishnanii sp. nov. (Phyllanthaceae), an interesting discovery from the southern Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa. DOI:
- Naveen Kumar, V.V., Ratheesh NarayananM.K, C.N. Sunil, M.G. Sanilkumar & E.C. Baiju ,2016. Isodon purpurescence(Lamiaceae), a new species from Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Taiwania: International Journal of Life Sciences,61:13-15.
- Naveen Kumar, V.V., Prabhukumar, K. M., Bhavadas, N., Kumar, P., Sunil, C.N. & Indira, B. 2016. Peristylus tentaculatus (Orchidaceae): A new record for India from the Western Ghats of Kerala. Rheedea, 26:77-7.
- Naveen Kumar, V.V., Prabhukumar, K. M., Bhavadas, N., Sunil, C.N. & Indira, B. 2016. Rediscovery of Phyllanthus macrocalyx Mull.Arg. (phyllanthaceae), a rare endemic species of the Western Ghats, India. Current Science, 110: 33-35.
- Sunil, C.N., Naveen Kumar, V.V., Sivadasan, M,K., Ratheesh N. M. K., Alfarhan, A. H. & El-Sheikh, M.A. 2016. Isachne edamalayarensis sp. nov.(Poaceae: Micrairoideae) from southern Western Ghats, India. Nordic Journal of Botany (Wiley Online Library).
Department of Physics
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- “Humidity and Gas Sensor from Conducting Polymer Nanoparticle-Plastic Composites”, Dr. P. Predeep, Ms. Neena.P and Ms. Anisha Mary Mathew, The Patent Official Journal 14/01/2011, Issue No.02/2011, 567.
- Development of nanocomposite with LDPE and Graphene Nanoparticles by means of melt extrusion method, P. Neena, Materials Today Proceedings, Nov 2023.
- Toward ‘‘Rubbery’’ Nanoparticles, P Predeep, Najidha S, Neena P. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/APP.391721.
- “Synthesis of highly translucent conducting thin films from elastomer nanoparticles”, Neena.P, Anisha Mary Mathew and P. Predeep. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials –Rapid communications, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2011, p. 985 – 987.
- “Optical characterization of semiconducting natural rubber nanoparticles and its composites”, P. Neena and Anisha Mary Mathew, Optics ’11, International Conference on Light, AIP Conf. Proc. 1391, 131 (2011).
- “Effect of applied potential on the electrochemical deposition of Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer based conducting polymer composite”, P. Neena and Anisha Mary Mathew, Optics ’11, International Conference on Light, AIP Conf. Proc. 1391, 799 (2011)
- “Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer based highly conducting and flexible polymer composite film with low percolation threshold”, Neena.P and Anisha Mary Mathew, Optics ’11, International Conference on Light, AIP Conf. Proc. 1391, 793 (2011).
- Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole coated SBR composites, Neena.P, Anisha Mary Mathew, Prasanth. S, N.S.Panwar& P Predeep, AIP Conference Proceedings,1063/1.2927565,264, 2008.
- Evaluation of a.c. conductivity behavior of conducting rubberbased composite, Neena.P, Anisha Mary Mathew, Prasanth. S, N.S.Panwar& P Predeep, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1063/1.2927565,264, 2008
- “Thin Film rechargeable electrodes based on conductive blends of nanostructured Olivine LiFePO4 and Sucrose derived nanocarbons for Lithium Ion batteries”, P. Praveen, U. Jyothsna, Priya Nair, Soumya Ravi, A. Balakrishnan, K. R. V. Subramanian, A. Sreekumaran Nair, V. Shantikumar Nair, and N. Sivakumar, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, 1–6, 2013
- “Synthesis and characterization of electrophoretically deposited nanostructured LiCoPO4 for rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries”, S. Priya Nair, U. Jyothsna, P. Praveen, A. Balakrishnan, K. R. V. Subramanian, Shantikumar V. Nair, and N. Sivakumar, ISRN Nanotechnology, Volume 2013.
- “Influence of sodium doping on the material properties and photocatalytic activity of anatase titanium dioxide nanotubes prepared by anodization” Hiba Rahman, Aleena Norbert, Priya S. Nair, Julie Ann Joseph, Sadasivan Shaji, Uday Deshpande, Johns Naduvath, Shanu A. S, Rachel Reena Philip, Optical Materials,Volume 134, 1131729(2022).
- “Band gap engineering of TiO2 by Mn doping and the effect of p-TNT: Mn/n-MnO2 heterojunction on photocatalytic applications”, Priya S. Nair, Hiba Rahman, Julie Ann Joseph, Aleena Norbert, Sadasivan Shaji, S. Tripathi, S. N. Jha & Rachel Reena Philip Applied Physics A volume 128, Article number: 1089 (2022)
- Priya S. Nair, Rachel Reena Philip 2023.The effect of voltage in the synthesis of manganese incorporated TiO2 nanotubes. In: “Insightful Investigations: Exploring Material Properties through Characterization Techniques”, Shinoj V K and Saritha K N (Eds) (ISBN: 978-81-960457-1-5, Union Christian College Aluva) pp 52-60.
- Lakshmi S. Bose, K.S. Urmila,” Extragalactic UV radiation at different galactic latitudes”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 60, pp. 1082–1085, 2022.
- Lakshmi S. Bose and Steven Humphreys, ‘The 5I’s of Virtual Technologies in Laboratory Teaching for Faculties of Higher Education in Kerala”, Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 31, pp. 795–809, 2022.
- Lakshmi S Bose, “A Study of the Extragalactic UV Radiation in Helix Nebula using GALEX” Walailak J Sci & Tech, Vol. 18, pp.1-9, 2021
- Lakshmi S Bose, “A Quantitative Analysis of ICT Enabled Virtual Labs in Undergraduate Physics Learning Education”, 19th Annual Convention of Council for Teacher Education Foundation (CTEF), Kerala and International Multidisciplinary conference on Remodelling Strategies and Policies for Future Ready Learning, 76-79, 2021.
- Lakshmi S Bose , Evaluation Protocols in Science Laboratory Learning through ICT technologies, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 7 (3), 282-288,2021.
- Krishnashree Achuthan, Sayoojyam Brahmanandan, Lakshmi S Bose, ‘Cognitive Load Management in Multimedia Enhanced Interactive Virtual Laboratories’, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 320, 2015, pp 143-155.
- Lakshmi S Bose, N.V Sujatha, Ultraviolet Background Radiation and ExtraGalactic Light from Lockman Hole, Elsevier- Perspective in Science Vol.8, July, 2016.
- Lakshmi S. Bose., Sujatha, N.V., K.Narayanankutty., Murthy, Jayant., 2015, Extragalactic survey using GALEX-Spitzer matching fields, Springer- Astronomy Letters, 41, 12, 704:711.
- Lakshmi S Bose and Krishnashree Achuthan , ‘Concept Mapping and Assessment of Virtual Laboratory Experimental Knowledge’ , Information and Communication Technology,2015 DOI: 10.1109/ICACCI2015.7275723.
- Lakshmi S Bose, N. V Sujatha, K.Narayanankutty, Ultraviolet and infrared correlation studies in Orion, Baltic Astronomy, vol. 24, 2015, 319-326 3.
- Lakshmi S Bose, K. Narayanankutty, N.V Sujatha & Jayant Murthy, ‘Extragalactic Survey of UV Galaxies Using GALEX’, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 6, Issue 3 Ver. IV May-Jun.2014, PP24-27.
- Lakshmi S Bose, Krishnashree Achuthan, Saneesh Francis, K. S. Sreelatha, C. O. Sreekala, Prema Nedungadi, Raghu Raman, ‘Improving Perception of Invisible Phenomena in Undergraduate Physics Education using ICT’, Information and Communication Technology,2014 DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT 2014.6914070
- K.S. Urmila, Lakshmi S. Bose,” Structural and optical characterization of reactive evaporated Sn2Sb4Se8 thin films”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 60, pp. 1026 – 1030, 2022.
- K. S. Urmila, T. A. Namitha, J. Rajani, R. R. Philip and B. Pradeep,“Optoelectronic properties and Seebeck coefficient in SnSe thin films”, Journal of Semiconductors 37, 093002 (2016).
- T. A. Namitha, K. S. Urmila and B. Pradeep, “Structural, optical,transient photoconductivity studies and low temperature thermoelectricpower measurements on reactively evaporated lead selenide thin films”, J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron 27, 5646 (2016).
- K. S. Urmila, T. A. Namitha and B. Pradeep, “Thermoelectric figure of merit in degenerate Cu7Se4 and non degenerate InSe thin films”, Int. J.Recent. Res. Rev 9, 13 (2016).
- K. S. Urmila, T. A. Namitha, R. R. Philip and B. Pradeep, “Optical and low temperature thermoelectric properties of phase pure p-type InSe thin films”, Appl. Phys. A 120, 675 (2015).
- K. S. Urmila, T. A. Namitha and B. Pradeep, “Analysis of structural parameters and low temperature electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power in slightly Cu rich p-type CuInSe2 thin films”, Int. J. Recent. Res. Rev 8, 1 (2015).
- K. S. Urmila, T. A. Namitha and B. Pradeep, “Characterization of defect levels and their influence on the photoconductivity of p-type CuInSe2 thin films”, Int. J. Recent. Res. Rev 8, 10 (2015).
- K. S. Urmila, T. A. Namitha and B. Pradeep, “Structural and optical characterization of reactive evaporated tin diselenide thin films”, IOP Conf. Series. Mater. Sci. Eng 73, 0120581 (2015).
- T. A. Namitha, K. S. Urmila and B. Pradeep, “Electrical and photoconductivity studies on AgSbSe2 thin films”, IOP Conf. Series. Mater. Sci. Eng 73, 0120131 (2015).
- K. S. Urmila, T. A. Namitha, J. Rajani, R. R. Philip and B. Pradeep, “Photoconductivity in reactively evaporated copper indium selenide thin films”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1576, 69 (2014).
- T. A. Namitha, K. S. Urmila and B. Pradeep, “Structural and optical studies on AgSbSe2 thin films”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1576, 60 (2014).
- J. Rajani, R. R. Philip, N. Sheeba, A. Anitha, B. N. Sinitha, B. Pradeep, K. S. Urmila and G. S. Okram, “Optoelectronic and low temperature thermoelectric studies on nanostructured thin films of silver gallium selenide”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1576, 83(2014).
- T. A. Namitha, K. S. Urmila, J. Rajani, R. R. Philip, G. S. Okram, V.Ganesan and B. Pradeep, “Optical and electrical properties and phonon drag effect in low temperature TEP measurements of AgSbSe2 thin films”, J. Semiconductors 35, 0520011 (2014).
- K. S. Urmila, T. A. Namitha, R. R. Philip, V. Ganesan, G. S. Okram and B. Pradeep, “Structural, optical, electrical and low temperature thermoelectric properties of degenerate polycrystalline Cu7Se4 thin films”, Phys. Status Solidi B 251, 689 (2014).
- R. Jacob, R. Geethu, T. Shripathi, G. S. Okram, V. Ganesan, B. Pradeep, K. S. Urmila and R.R. Philip, “Optoelectronic and low temperature thermoelectric effects in the OVC n-CuIn3Se5 thin films”, Phys. Status Solidi A 209, 2195 (2012).
- K.S. Urmila, T.A. Namitha and B. Pradeep, “Photoluminescence study of copper selenide thin films”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1391, 770(2011).
- N. Vidyarajan, L. K. Alexander, “Strain induced optical properties of perovskite LaFeO3”, Mater. Res. Express 6(2019) 015610, IOP publishing: DOI:10.1088/2053-1591/aae857.
- N. Vidyarajan , L.K. Alexander “ Low temperature gas sensing properties o Reduced graphene oxide incorporated Perovskite nanocomposite”. Book chapter: Nanostructure Smart materials. Apple Academic Press, ISBN: 978-1-77188-974-2, 2019.
- N. Vidyarajan, L. K. Alexander “Electrochemical sensing of modified ABO3 perovskite: LaFe0.8 R0.2O3 (R= Cr, Co, Al)”. AIP Conference Proceedings 1849, 020027 (2017); DOI:10.1063/1.4984174.
- V.Geetha, Vidyarajan N, Studies of structural and optical properties of zinc sulphide thin films, International journal of material physics 5(2014), pp-5-14.
Department of Chemistry (2016-2024)
- V. C. Resmi; Sunil K. Narayanankutty.Effect of charcoal on formaldehyde emission, mechanical,thermal and dynamic properties of resol resin. January 2017,21, pages 55–69 (2017).
- C.D. Midhun Dominic · S. Maheswary · K. V. Neenu,· S. Mohammad Sajadi, · Derval dos Santos Rosa , P. M. Sabura Begum,· Mariya Mathew1· T. G. Ajithkumar,· Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillai , Tresa Sunitha George ,· V. C. Resmi, · R. A. Ilyas ,.Colocasia esculenta stems for the isolation of cellulose nanofbers:a chlorine‐free method for the biomass conversion Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Impact 4 9 August 2022.
- Ajalesh Balachandran Nair, Nisha Nandakumar E.P Ayswarya VC Resmi Vidya Francis eNeethumol Varghese ,P Nelson Joseph , Rani Joseph , Ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer aluminium hydroxide nanocomposites: Thermal, mechanical and flame retardant characteristics Materials Today: Proceedings ,Available online 1 October 2022, Version of Record 18 January 2023.Volume 72, Part 6, 2023, Pages 3093-3099
- Adhya K.M., Anu Radhakrishnan, Bhuvaneswary M. G., Gayathri T. H.*“Phytochemical screening of vitex negundo leaf extracts and its role in green synthesis and antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticle”, J. Chem. Health Risks, (Accepted Manuscript)
- AbhilashPullanchiyodan, GayathriT. Haridasan, Pranav Sreeram, Akhila Das, Neethu T. M. Balakrishnan, Prasanth Raghavan, AmparC. Hegde, “High Potential Aqueous Asymmetric Supercapacitor based on 2D Molybdenum Disulfide and Vanadium Pentoxide Electrodes“, Energy & Fuels, (Accepted manuscript)
- T. H. Gayathri, A. A. Yaremchenko, J. MacÃas, P. Abhilash, S. Ananthakumar, “Magnesium-doped zircon-type rare-earth orthovanadates: structural and electrical characterization“, Ceram. Int. 44(2018) 96-103.
- T. H. Gayathri, A. A. Yaremchenko, K. Zakharchuk, P. Abhilash, S. Ananthakumar “Impact of acceptor-type substitution on electrical transport properties of zircon-type EuVO4 “, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 38(2018) 145-151.
- T. H. Gayathri, A. A. Yaremchenko, K. Zakharchuk, Jose James, Effect of magnesium addition on the structural, microstructural and electrical properties of YVO4, J. Alloys Compd. 672 (2016) 549-557.
- L. S. Kumari, T. H. Gayathri, S. Sameera, P. Prabhakar Rao, “Y-Doped Bi2MoO6 Yellow Pigments for the Coloration of Plastics“, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 94 (2011) 320-323.
- Susan Joy, Aneesa Painadath Alikunjua, Jisha Josea, Hari Sankar Haridasanpillai Sudhaa, Prabhakaran Meethal Parambathc, Sajeevan Thavarool Puthiyedathub, Babu Philip. “Oxidative stress and antioxidant defense responses of Etroplus suratensis to acute temperature fluctuations”, J. Thermal Biology, 70 (2017) 20–26.
- Aneesa P. Alikunju, Susan Joy, Mujeeb Rahiman, Emilda Rosmine1, Ally C. Antony, Solly Solomon, K. Manjusha, A. V. Saramma, K. P. Krishnan, A. A. Mohamed Hatha, “A Statistical Approach to Optimize Cold Active β-Galactosidase Production by an Arctic Sediment Pscychrotrophic Bacteria, Enterobacter ludwigii (MCC 3423) in Cheese Whey”17 November (2017)
- Susan Joy, Aneesa painadath Alikunju, Jisha Jose, Sajeevan Thavarool Puthiyedath, Babu Philip, “Effect of Acute Thermal Stress on Carbohydrate and Lipid Profile in Etroplus Suratensis” IJMS/MS 3971(Accepted Manuscript)
- Aneesa P Alikunju, Susan Joy, Jaseetha Abdul Salam, Reshma Silvester, Ally C. Antony, K. M Mujeeb Rahiman, K. P Krishnan etal. “functional Characterization of a new cold-Adapted β-Galactosidase froman Arctic Fjord Sediment Bacteria Enterobacter ludwigii MCC 3423”, Springer, (2018).
Department of Zoology (2016-2024)
- Parameswaran Krishnapriya, Minu, M. & Bijoy Nandan, Sivasankaran. (2018). Composition and distribution of meiobenthos in Arctic Kongsfjord (Svalbard) with reference to carbon potential of selected fauna. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. 47. 613-622.
- Parameswaran Krishnapriya, Minu, M., Hershey, Regina, Bijoy Nandan, Sivasankaran, K, Hari& Krishnan, K.P. (2019). Inter fjord variations as a key contributor in the meiobenthic faunal distribution in the Arctic Kongsfjord, Svalbard. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 32. 100817. 10.1016/j.rsma.2019.100817.
- Abraham, A., Joseph, M. M., & Minu, M. (2021). Antimicrobial Activities of Natural and Recombinant Spider Silk – A Review. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology, 41(24), 106-112.
- Minu, M., Mathew, M. J., & Abraham, A. (2022). Seasonal diversity, distribution and abundance of Araneae in the Thattekkad Bird Sanctuary, Kerala, India. Entomon, 47(3), 285–294.
- RekhaParthasarathy and John Joseph (2011).Studies on the changes in the level of membrane-bound ATPase activity and mineral status of ʎ Cyhalothrin-induced hepatotoxicity in fresh water tilapia (Oreochromismossambicus). African journal of environmental science and technology.Vol.5(1),,January.
- RekhaParthasarathy and John Joseph (2011). Studies on the changes in lipid profile of ʎ Cyhalothrin-induced hepatotoxicity in fresh water tilapia (Oreochromismossambicus). Online Journals- Pelagia Research Library, Der Pharmacia Sinica 2 (2): 305-310
- RekhaParthasarathy and John Joseph (2011). Study on the changes in the level of protein metabolismin ʎ Cyhalothrin-induced hepatotoxicity in fresh water tilapia (Oreochromismossambicus)Online Journals- Pelagia Research Library , Advances in Applied Science Research.
- RekhaParthasarathy and John Joseph (2011). Studies on the hepatic antioxidant defense system ʎ Cyhalothrin-induced oxidative stress in fresh water tilapia (Oreochromismossambicus). African journal of environmental science and technology.
- Studies onʎ Cyhalothrin-induced changes in the level of taurine and histological alterations in the brain tissue of fresh water tilapia (Oreochromismossambicus),Journal of current studies, Vol.5, Issue No.1, December 2015.
- A study on zooplankton biomass and hydrography in the Cochin Estuary during different seasons of the year, Journal of Current Studies, Vol.6, Issue No.1,December 2016.
Department of English (2016-2024)
- Ajeesh S. Problematizing Gender Normalities: The Bodily Counter Discourse in J.M. Coetzee’s Fiction. Language in India. ISSN 1930-2940, March 2018.
- Ajeesh S. Political Potentials of Body in the Postmodern Context. Journal of the Gujarat Research Society. ISSN: 0374-8588 Volume 21 Issue 10, November 2019.
- Breaking the Cultural Codes: The Bodily Play from the Fringes. Think India Journal, 22 (19), 360-363. ISSN 0971- 1260, December 2019.
- Ajeesh S. The Inner Odyssey in Gao Xingjian’s Soul Mountain”. Dogo Rangsang Research Journal. Vol-VII-Issue-06; ISSN: 2347- 7180, June 2020
- Vismaya K B Combating Spatial Praxis in I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai”, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24 ,ISSN: 1475-7192.
- Binsha B. Re-reading Humanity: Exploring Anthropocene Through The Shape of Water and Aavasavyuham. Journal of Oriental Institute. Vol. 72, Issue 01, ISSN 0030-5324, July-September, 2023.
- Binsha B. Re-reading Nation: Taste the Nation with Padma Lakshmi as a Cultural Hieroglyph”, History Research Journal, Issue XXX, ISSN 0976-5425.
- Aiswarya, P. From Myth to Modernity: Journey of Women of Mahabharata in The Palace of Illusions. Breaking the Silence: Margins and Fringes. ISBN 9978-81-957671-7-5, 2023
- Aiswarya P. Rereading The Christian Semiology in The Wasteland after Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. One Hundred Years of The Waste Land. ISBN 978-81-952253-1-6, 2023
- Drishya D. Impact of Environmental Studies among Youngsters. Journal of Current Studies. ISSN 2277-2707, 2023
- Arya A Identity and Resistance: The Question of Identity Card and Resistance in the Poem “Identity Card” by Mahmoud Darwish and “Identity Card” by S. Joseph’. _Musings on World Poetry, edited by Aswathi M P, Reena C M, M K Vineetha, Unity College, Manjeri,2021, pp. 51-60.
Department of Malayalam (2016-2024)
- T.H Jitha- sangadanamikavinte girisrungam:Parvathy Ayyappan enna Parvathyyamma,Sangaditha, ISSN 2319 – 9741, 2018
- Ragi Sekharan k – Sthrainanubhavathinte aparakartruthvangal usha naghyarude avatharananghalil, Sthree sabdam magazine, KL/TV(N)WPP/187/2018-2020, 2018
- T.H Jitha-Kavitha Mazhayude Nirvachanam,Sangaditha, ISSN – 2519-9741, 201
- Ragi Sekharan k -Kadhaparanju kadhayayoral, Bhoothakalathinte bhoorekhakal,edi: Dr.Deepesh kambookara&Dr.Suresh puttanparambil, Eye books ISBN – 9387828049,eye books ,January 2019
- Dr. T.H Jitha- Kalam pozhichitta thoovalayormakal, Aamoghapadanam- Theekanalakunna Vakukal, Sahakaryam Publications
- Dr. T.H Jitha- Cherukadha Novel :Padanavum Niroopanavum, Uli Pidicha Kai,Turn Books, Kottayam, ISBN: 978-93 – 87709, EDI : Dr.Selvi Xavier
- Dr. T.H Jitha- Narayanaguruvinte Kriyhikalile Jeevitha darsanam Pramithi Sasthra Velichathil, Vinimayathinte sukshma rashtreeyam,EDI : Dr.Thomas Scaria & Dr.Princemon Jose, Phoebus Books;, ISBN – 978-93-5361-805-6
- Sreeja PR- Aakhyanaparatha Jivacharithrangalil ,Vinimayathinte sukshma rashtreeyam,EDI : Dr.Thomas Scaria & Dr.Princemon Jose, Phoebus Books;, ISBN – 978-93-5361-805-6
- Ragi Sekharan k -Manushyavakasavum paristhithiyum , – paristhithi vinjanavum manushyavakasha padanavum,Edi: Dr..Thomas Scaria, Ascend publication, ISBN – 93-84357-19-1
- Viji M P- Thakshankunnu swaroopam samskaracharithra vayana, Vinimayathinte sukshma rashtreeyam,EDI : Dr.Thomas Scaria & Dr.Princemon Jose, Phoebus Books;, ISBN – 978-93-5361-805-6
- Ragi Sekharan K-Manalil Ezhuthunna Jeevitham, Vinimayathinte sukshma rashtreeyam,EDI : Dr.Thomas Scaria & Dr.Princemon Jose, Phoebus Books;, ISBN – 978-93-5361-805-6
- Ragi Sekharan K-Cinema ; Sangalpavum Vyavaharavum,Malayala Cinemayile Police Kadhapathrangal-Pradhinidhanathinte Rashtreeyam,EDI : Dr.Anila Thomas, Ascend Publications, ISBN- 9789384282196
- T.H Jitha- Priya A S nte kadhakalile Streepakshabhashanangal, Kavanakawmudhi, ISSN 2456 – 2513, 2019
- T.H Jitha- Chindavishtayaya Seetha – Punaravalokanam, Thudi, ISSN 2320 – 8880, 2020
- T.H Jitha, Lakshmi bhayiyile pennezhuthukal, Lakshmi bhayiyile pennezhuthukal, ISSN 2319 – 3263, 2020
- Sajeev Sadanandan- Navaneerupanathinta acharyan, Sahithyameemasa sidhanthavum prayogavum,:T. S. Eliot -ISBN 978-81-950887-9-9 ,2021
- T.H Jitha- Narayana Guruvinte Kavyalokam, Pinda Nadhiyile Bhawthikathayum Aathmeeyathayum, Sivagiri Madam Publications, EDI :Kavitha Raman, ISBN :978-81-94 9959-3-7S
- T.H Jitha- Academic Research Practices in Higher Education Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Peace Oriented Education, UGC – HRDC, Uty of Kerala TVM, Chief Editor. Prof.(Dr.) K.M. Sajad Ibrahim, ISBN : 978-81-957171-2-5
- T.H Jitha- Implementation of NEP in Higher Education Institutions, The Integration of Indian Spiritual knowledge in Education, Teresian Publishing House, EKM, ISBN: 9 788172 551568
- Ragi Sekharan K- Sahithya charithram sindhandham soudharyamrashtreeyam,Sahithyacharithrangalude perukalum ulladakavum, Edi. Dr.Thoamas scaria, Max books kottayam, 97-89391-08-5
- Dr. T.H Jitha- Prakrithi-Prakritha Bandham Niyogam Enna Novelil, Impact of Covid 19: Effectiveness of Government, Journal of Current Studies, ISSN:2277-2707, January 2022
- Sreeja P R, Paristhithisaundaryasasthram P Surendrante Novalil, Impact of Covid 19: Effectiveness of Government, Journal of Current Studies, ISSN:2277-2707, January 2022
- Ragi Sekharan K, Paristhithika Folklorum Prakrithyaradhanayum, Impact of Covid 19: Effectiveness of Government, Journal of Current Studies, ISSN:2277-2707, January 2022
- Viji M P, Paristhithika Sthreepaksha Vimarsanavum Avabodhavum- Seelabathi, Chola Ennee Cinemakalil,Impact of Covid 19: Effectiveness of Government, Journal of Current Studies, ISSN:2277-2707, January 2022
- Dr. P G Renjith, Environment in Advaitha Vedanta Philosophy, Impact of Covid 19: Effectiveness of Government, Journal of Current Studies, ISSN:2277-2707, January 2022
- Shiji T S, Paristhithika Avabodham Kallel Pokkudante Kandalkkadukalkkidayile Ente Jeevitham Enna Krithiye Munnirthiyulla Padanam, Impact of Covid 19: Effectiveness of Government, Journal of Current Studies, ISSN:2277-2707, January 2022
- Sajeev Sadanandan, Paristhithikavabodham Thiranjedutha Basheer Krithikalil, Impact of Covid 19: Effectiveness of Government, Journal of Current Studies, ISSN:2277-2707, January 2022
- Dr. T.H Jitha- Artist Hariharan Guruvakarathinte Silpi Ente Achanum, Njanasathakam,EdiDr. B Sugeetha
- Dr. T.H Jitha-Viknjana Samoohanirmmithiyude Nilamorukkalukal, Sahithyalokam, ISSN 2319-3263, July 2023
Department of Economics (2016-2024)
- Sreeja V S. 2018. A study on the current status and challenges faced by Handloom Sector in Kerala (ISSN2277-2707) Volume 8, Journal of Current Studies 78-84.
- Saipriya Sudarsan. 2019. Problems and Challenges of Women Domestic Workers in Informal Sector in India. (ISBN 978-93-89146-46) Volume 1, Shanlax Publications, 97-105
- Sreeja V S. 2022. Environmental conservation and role of women with special reference to Green task force in Kerala: A Review. Volume 02(Journal of Current Studies), 62-74.
- Sreeja V S. 2023. Changing labor market scenario: A study on the employment experience of low skilled gig workers in Kerala, Peer reviwed and edited book (ISBN) Nexus of Multidisciplinary Research 43-51.
Paper presentation
- Sreeja V S. Presented paper titled Changing labor market scenario: A study on the employment experience of low skilled gig workers in Kerala in the one day international conference on Multi-disciplinary Research(2.0) organised by TamilnaduTeachers Education University and Dakshin Dinajpur D.Ed. college on September 10,2023.
Department of Commerce (2016-2024)
- Theertha Joy, June 2022, Impact of Covid 19 outbreak on Medical Tourism in Kerala, Reverberations in Indian Economy – post covid 19,ISBN-978-81-954429-1-1.
- Theertha Joy and Dr. Rajani B Bhat , Jan 2022,Sustainable Tourism as a driving force of Tourism Industry in Kerala, Journal of current studies, Vol 1,ISSN-2277-2707
- Reena.T.S & Dr. Suseela.Menon, March 2019, Marketing strategies of public and private organised retailers in Kerala- A comparative study, International journal of emerging technologies and innovative research ,ISSN-2349-5162 , Vol.6 Issue 3,
- Reena.T.S & Dr. Suseela.Menon, JAN-FEB 2018 ,Marketing strategy of telecom retail sector – A comparative study between BSNL and Private operators, International journal of multidisciplinary approach and studies ISSN-2348-537x Vol-5,
- Reena T S, June 2017, A Study on customer satisfaction of Public Distribution System, Research Scholar, Vol.7.
- Krishna kumar U R,2017, Financial inclusion of deprived groups-A study conducted in four Vulnerable areas of Ernakulam District in Kerala,IRA-International journal of management and social sciences Vol-7,issue 2