M.Sc. Statistics – Mar Athanasius College, Kothamangalam (Mahatma Gandhi University)
B.Sc. Statistics – Mar Athanasius College, Kothamangalam (Mahatma Gandhi University)
Teaching Experience
Assistant professor (on contract) in the Department of Statistics at S.N.M.College Maliankara since October 2022
3 years of work experience as Assistant Professor in Statistics from Indira Gandhi college of arts and science,Kothamangalam
Participation (Seminar, Conference, Workshop):
Attended workshop on “Data Analysis using SPSS” organised by Department of Statistics, Mar Athanasius college (Autonomous ), Kothamangalam, during September 6-7, 2015
Attended International Webinar on ‘ Introduction to data science and application in health analytics’ Organised by PG department of Mathematics ( Sree Vidyadhi Raja NSS college, Vazoor) during October 19, 2020
Participated in webinar on ‘Statistical tools in research’ organised by Department of Statistics (Indira Gandhi college of arts and science,Kothamangalam) during February 27 , 2021